The M.A.S.S HVE Suction Tip is a relatively new product on the market. So how is this tip different from the standard HVE tip?
1. It’s angled for better ergonomics
2. The end is rounded for patient comfort
3. It has a spiral hole pattern that’s allows patients to close down it like a saliva ejector.
4. Does not suck up the patient’s tongue or cheek.
The company’s biggest selling point is that the M.A.S.S. tip can replace both your standard HVE tip and your saliva ejector, but is that true? That has not been the case for me personally, but I can definitely see how that can be the case for others. As a hygienist, I primarily use it when ultrasonic scaling heavy calculus. And for that task, it’s very efficient. Overall, the M.A.S.S. tip works very well and I highly recommend it, even if it’s only used for limited applications.
Mark Frias, RDH