eBay Air Polisher – Product Review


Overall Rating = 4 out of 5

1. Performance = 4

2. Quality = 3

3. Value = 5

4. Ease of Use = 4



Delivers an air, water, and powder (sodium bicarbonate) mixture to debride softs deposits from teeth.



1. Price.  Less than $30.

2. Portable.  Connects to your standard 4-hole connector.

3.  Very good quality for the price.



1. A little messy.  You will need good evacuation.

2. Don’t count on a warrantee.  I purchased three and one had a defect.  I threw it away, but for that price, you can afford to take the risk.


Do I recommend?




http://www.ebay.com   Type in “dental air polisher”

http://www.pearsondental.com (polishing powder)




Connects to the standard 4-hole connector at work

Tips separate from the main body for cleaning and sterilization

4-hole connector on the air polisher

11 thoughts on “eBay Air Polisher – Product Review

  1. thanks for your reviews, they are very helpful. what kind of maintenance is required for the air polisher? i have heard that the expensive, name brand units get clogged unless they are maintained well.
    thanks again.

  2. I haven’t had any clogging issues and I don’t think I maintain it as well as I should. The air polisher comes with a wire that is used to clean out the passageway that the powder runs through. I’ve used it only once. I empty any left over powder from the chamber after every use and keep it dry. I don’t wipe the inside of chamber with anything. I autoclave the tips and disinfect the body with the chamber cap on. That’s all I do. Thanks for the kind words. I have a lot of products in line for future reviews.

  3. hi konarocky-
    another question: do you have any concerns that any of the metal components of the air polisher may have lead or any other toxic metals/substances that may pose a health risk?
    i’m looking forward to more of your product reviews. thanks for the quick response, have a good weekend-

    • matt, i dont have much concern about that. I know of at least one american dental supply company that sells this air polisher(at a much higher cost), so that somewhat reduces the concerns for me.

  4. Pingback: Convert an eBay air polisher into a microetcher « Dental Suction Blog

  5. Thank you for your reviews. Is the air polisher with water? And have you tried the alternative polishing powders such as calcium carbonate, glycine, or calcium sodium phosphossilicate?

    • I’m using water with the air polisher. I currently use calcium carbonate and prefer it, but it is more expensive.

  6. hi
    what is the size for the bigger O-ring. I have the same prophyjet. i see u listed the size for the top smaller o-ring but not the large lower one. Thanks for your help.

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