Daniel Lopez, RDH Interview – Managing HIV/AIDS dental patients

Google Hangout Video Interviewee:  Daniel Lopez, RDH Daniel Lopez is a dental hygienist currently working at the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center in New York.  He has extensive training in the management and treatment of HIV/AIDs patients. Topic We discuss how Daniel’s current position is different (and the same in many ways) from a typical private…

4 Reasons Why Dental Hygienists Should Embrace “Selling”

1. Selling is NOT inherently unethical. Selling is nothing more than persuading or convincing another person to choose something that you recommend.  Let’s breakdown the key difference between unethical and ethical selling.  Unethical selling involves recommending something that has little to no value for the buyer (used car salesman selling a lemon to an unsuspecting senior…