Are you a dental hygienist looking to take your dental skills outside the traditional clinical setting? Can I really replace my dental hygiene income outside the clinic? Where do I start? What skills do I need? Who do I contact? In this video podcast, Elijah Desmond, RDH shares the path that took him to a world outside the traditional dental hygiene setting. I hope this conversation encourages and motivates you to take the first step towards the life you really want.
– Smiles at Sea
– Back to the Basics
Video Interview
Mark Frias, RDH
Wow! Pretty amazing and inspiring Elijah! I found the information very helpful. Thanks for the great interview Mark and Elijah!
Thanks shoot me an email if you need help in your journey I’ve spoken with countless already after the interview.
Thank you!
Way to go Elijah!!!! You are very inspiring. I would love to join you on an info cruise. Melba Smith RDH
Thank you and we would love to have you on board.
Thank so much!
Hello, I am a dental assistant of 30 years and am looking to get out of the clinical setting for the rest of my career. Can you direct me to any info or ideas on how or what to do to accomplish this?
Great interview, btw!
Thank you,
Please send me and email I’m always happy to help!
I have been looking into Forensic Dentistry. I realize it is mostly volunteer, but I would LOVE to be part of a forensic team. However, I do not know how to get started. I have joined a few Forensic Dentistry forums and I joined the American Board of Forensic Odontology. They send really cool articles and stuff, but no information on how to get started.
Do I contact the Coroner for my county? Or the Medical Examiner?
Any suggestions would be great!
Hi Julie,
Send Elijah an email at
He should be able to help.
You should join the Facebook
Group trapped in an op! You can find out there!