Daniel Lopez, RDH Interview – Managing HIV/AIDS dental patients

Google Hangout Video Interviewee:  Daniel Lopez, RDH Daniel Lopez is a dental hygienist currently working at the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center in New York.  He has extensive training in the management and treatment of HIV/AIDs patients. Topic We discuss how Daniel’s current position is different (and the same in many ways) from a typical private…

My Interview with Ann Arrington, RDH, BS. Inventor of the Blue Boa.

– Stay tuned for my product review of Ann’s product!  – Hygoformic Saliva Ejector Product Review             Ann Arrington, RDH, BS       Mark Frias, RDH     Mark:  What is the Blue Boa?  Ann:  Blue Boa dental tubing is an ergonomic, flexible, hands-free product, designed to assist dental hygienists with efficient water and saliva evacuation while using an ultrasonic scaler. …